Kai Wu
Contact Detailsk.wu1@leeds.ac.uk+44 (0) 7395371917About MeKai Wu graduated with a BEng in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering from North China Electric Power University, Beijing, China. He remained at the University and completed his MSc(Eng) by Research in Thermal Engineering. Following that, he started his PhD at the Southeast University, Nanjing, China in 2016. During his PhD studies, he was awarded a scholarship from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) to spend a year exchanging knowledge at the University of Leeds. He is currently working with Professor Mojtaba Ghadiri on a project titled “Numerical Simulation of Fine Particle Deposition by Impact”.Research InterestsMulti-phase FlowDEM/ DEM-CFD ModellingContact MechanicsProjectsNumerical Simulation of Fine Particle Deposition by Impact