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We are a specialised research group within the School of Chemical and Process Engineering at the University of Leeds, focusing on the fundamentals of Particle Technology, in particular on the development of relationships between microscopic and macroscopic properties and phenomena of particulate systems.

Mojtaba Ghadiri

Mojtaba Ghadiri FREng, CEng, FIChemE

Professor of Chemical Engineering

Our Research Philosophy

  • The macroscopic bulk behaviour of particulate systems is governed by the microscopic interactions and motion of the individual particles in the assembly
  • Our research philosophy involves characterising particle properties at single particle level to which the bulk behaviour is linked
  • Numerical tools DEM and CFD are used to simulate the bulk behaviour of particulate solids subjected to external forces, such as fluid drag, gravity, electric fields

Research Areas

The group has a number of state-of-the-art facilities and skills. Our activities are supported by the group members in a collaborative way so that we can support each other in addressing research programmes that require multi-skill contributions. This helps us to keep up-to-date with each other’s activities, share the benefit of individual progress and address complex problems. Our interdisciplinary activities focus on the the research areas below.


Charged Matter 2025

The Charged Matter conference will take place at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) from March 26-28, 2025....


Electrostatic Society of America (ESA) Conference 2025

The Electrostatic Society of America (ESA), the Institute of Electrostatics Japan (IEJ), la Société Française d’Electrostatique (SFE), and the Electrostatic...


10th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM10)

The 10th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM10) will take place in the enchanting city of Himeji, Japan, from...

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Ghadiri group attends FORGE 2025

With support from the Particle Technology activities at the University of Leeds, the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Particle Characterisation...

The EPSRC Triboelectrification Grant Application Gets Approved

  We are delighted to share the exciting news that our EPSRC Triboelectrification grant application (EP/X023389/1) has been approved! This...

Mojtaba Ghadiri is awarded 2023 Geldart Medal

Professor Mojtaba Ghadiri is awarded the Geldart Medal of the IChemE for his outstanding contributions to Particle Technology.

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Past and Present Sponsors

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