Sri Rahayu
- Position
- Postgraduate Researcher
- Location
- SCaPE 4.20
- Faculty
- Engineering and Physical Sciences
- School
- Chemical and Process Engineering
Sri Rahayu obtained her BEng degree from Materials Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia in 2010. She has been working at Agency for Assessment and Application Technology (BPPT) as engineer since 2010. She got a scholarship from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia to continue her PhD. She is currently undertaking a PhD researching in “Nanoparticle manufacturing of co-doped cerium gadolinium oxide electrolyte for intermediate-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC)”.
BEng, Materials Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Research Interests
- Nanoparticle
- Nanomaterial
- Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC)
- Material Characterisation
- S.K. Chaerun, S. Rahayu, I.N. Rizki, I. Pane, Utilization of a New Locally Isolated Bacterial Strain for Promoting Mechanical Properties of Mortar, International Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020
- E.K. Barimah, S. Rahayu, M.W. Ziarko, N. Bamiedakis, I.H. White, R.V. Penty, G. Kale, and G. Jose, Erbium doped Nanoparticle-Polymer Composite Thin Films for Integrated Photonics, The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2019, doi: 10.1109/CLEOE-EQEC.2019.8871760
- Rahayu, J.S. Forrester, G.M. Kale, M. Ghadiri,Promising solid electrolyte material for an IT-SOFC: Crystal structure of the cerium gadolinium holmium oxide Ce₀.₈Gd₀.₁Ho₀.₁O₁.₉ between 295 and 1023 K.Acta Crystallographica Section C: Structural Chemistry, 2018, 236-239 74.2
- I.M. Ulfah, R. Fidyaningsih, S. Rahayu, et al., Influence of Carbon Black and Silica Filler on the Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Natural Rubber Compound, Procedia Chemistry, Volume 16, 2015, pp. 258-264.
- Raharjo, S. Rahayu, T. Mustika, Masmui, D. Budiyanto, Effect of TiO2 and MgO on Microstructure of α-Alumina Ceramics and its Sintering Behavior, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 1112, pp. 519-523, 2015
- International Congress on Particle Technology 2019 (PARTEC)
- International Congress Engineering of Advanced Materials (ICEAM2017)