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Size Enlargement

Size enlargement processes transform an assembly of fine particles into larger multiparticle entities in which the original particles can still be distinguished.

Our research has addressed the effect of scaling up on the granule structure and strength and the mechanism of formation of seeded granules. Extensive experimental work and numerical simulation by DEM of wet agglomeration in Hosokawa Micron Cyclomix granulators have been carried out with a focus on the identification and analysis of the factors that affect the structure and physical properties of granules as a function of the operating conditions and scale. The current project is investigating the auto-granulation of cohesive powders under vibration.

Current Projects

  • Auto-Granulation Behaviour of Fine, Cohesive Powders

Past Projects

  • Influence of Scaling-Up of High Shear Granulators on the Evolved Structure and Properties of Granules
  • Continious Granulation by Nejat

Related Publications

Hare, C., Ghadiri, M., 2013, "Influence of Measurement Cell Size on Predicted Attrition by the Distinct Element Method", Powder Technology, "236, 100-106.

Hare, C., Ghadiri, M., Dennehy, R. 2011, "Prediction of Attrition in Agitated Particle Beds", Chemical Engineering Science, 66(20), 4757-4770.